Friday, April 6, 2018

Meditation 4/5/18

The in class meditation on Thursday was a nice experience. I liked how the instructor had a brief lecture prior on the benefits and effects of meditating. It was cool to see that there has been clinical evidence for those claims as well. My only complaint is that it went on a little too long for the amount of time left. I felt that the meditation started late so some who were not as experience may have struggled. I started my meditation 5 minutes prior to everyone else to have a chance to reach some point of “zen.” Throughout the meditation the instructor would talk about sensations of the body, and stream of thoughts, and mindful breathing. It was easy for me to acknowledge the sensations through out my body. The cool thing about the session is that I was able to reach a sound mind quickly. My technique is to count my breathes and slow my breathing. Eventually instead of seeing nothing I able to visualize shapes and patterns, they are not prominent but i could compare them to seeing light spots after staring into a light. This technique allows me to focus on something simple and avoid a wandering mind. Although the session was brief I was able to have a moment of relief and felt less stressed afterwards. I will do a meditation session more frequently because it helps with my own self care, especially at this point of the semester where stress present.

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