Friday, April 20, 2018

Yin Yoga 4/6

I went to a drop in class with a random instructor. This particular class was a yin yoga class. The philosophy of this class is that a yin practice balances out the hectic chaotic activities of daily living. Yin is associated with surrender, peace, femininity, and relaxation. The poses are held for a lot longer than a typical yoga class. This allows for stretches to become deeper which is supposed to lengthen and strengthen the muscles used. The longer a pose is held the more muscles become engage, mostly secondary muscles and tissues not regularly used.  This particular style is said to be almost meditative due to the deep long stretches. The deep stretches are said to move prana (life source) and awaken it. As far as the poses goes most of them were floor (mostly seated) poses which makes sense because upright poses are more engaging and require more power. There were downward dogs from time to time, but not too often. I think this was incorporated to have brief periods that were more engaging to balance out the periods of stagnation. The instructor talked softly and had atmospheric music playing in the background. I particularly enjoyed this practice because I did not feel like I was going to die at any point. It was really relaxing which is exactly what I need right now.

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