Friday, April 20, 2018

meditation 4/10

I attempted to do an hour meditation. To set the atmosphere I put on relaxing piano music. Meditation in silence is uncomfortable for me if I am trying to do a longer session. Music keeps my mind active without producing too many side tracking thoughts. It takes me about 10 minutes before I can become relaxed. I did the meditation at home and I did not want to get side tracked by any commotion outside of my practice. Meditation is one of my strategies for coping with stress. It is easy to get caught up with the demands and needs of daily living and it is nice to have a moment to practice peace. More importantly it is nice to take time for myself which is something I feel I dont do too often.
I noticed that after quite some time my attachment to my physical body is removed and there is periods where I do not feel any sensations, but I am extremely aware of my surroundings. After awhile I stop counting my breath, and find myself telling myself to breathe because I feel as if it has been awhile since my last breath. Its very weird and do not know how I feel about that. I know breathing is done automatically, but there are periods where I was convinced I havent been breathing. Changing my breathing pattern is essential for the relaxing qualities to meditating.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that breathing (pranayama) is a way in to focus and concentration that is needed to find a meditative state
