Friday, April 27, 2018

meditation 4/18

This time around I decided to find a guided meditation track on youtube. I have never done a guided meditation before so I was curious to see if I was able to visit beautiful scenes simply by having someone describe it. I'm very unimaginative so this meditation did not work for me. I listened in detail as the individual described a beach scene hoping to find myself on the beach. Most of the time I tried to visualize myself on the beach with no avail. Having someone talking throughout the meditation session distracted me and kept me very aware of time which prevented me from reaching a sound mind. Usually it is easy for me to get in a meditative state but not doing this particular method. The only upside to this method is that I did not get sleepy like normal meditation does. After the session I felt no difference in my mood and ultimately felt like I sat still for a half hour for nothing.

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