Friday, March 30, 2018

Yang/yin yoga

I decided to go back to Bethany for another yang/yin yoga class, and just like before the first half hour was hell. I went back just because I wanted to see if I could keep up with the flow this time around. Most of the poses in this class were apart of the seated sequence in Ashtanga Yoga with some added extras. I think I struggle with yang yoga because the seated postures rely on core strength, which is where i lack strength. The purpose of the pace and seated postures ultimately creates the intensity, heat, and activity that American postural yoga seeks. This style seems to be heavily influenced by fitness culture. The second half hour is yin yoga where poses are held for 3-5 minutes at a time. The holding of the poses aims to further the stretch of certain muscles in the various poses. The extra slow pacing of this is supposed to be relaxing for recovery from the intense activity of the yang portion. This embodies the priciples of yoga philosophy which are healthy body, and relaxation. I can make this claim because the music played changes to set the atmosphere. During yang yoga the music is fast, and electronic, whereas yin yoga is slower music, and more natural. Another thing about this class is we use boxes and straps from time to time to further a stretch or focus on form and the alignment of the body during poses.

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