Friday, March 23, 2018

Vinyasa Flow 3/22/18

i found out Tracey is no longer teaching yoga at the gym I was going to for classes. This week I did a vinyasa class on my own. I found a YouTube video similar to the routine we did in her class. I’ve been doing sun saluatstions and various other poses regularly so for the strengthening and endurance purpose I chose a familiar flow. I played my own music that was very slow and relaxed, and my flow aligned with that. I wanted something that would feel like I did some work without exerting myself like I have in some other classes. The poses usually done in vinyasa flow classes are beneficial for me. I have a tight back, and thighs so a lot of the poses help with my own mobility and functioning. I sit a lot due to school, and my internship so usually when it’s time for yoga there’s kinks in my body somewhere. Yoga is a form of self care for me so having slow spacey music really helps destress from the week. I liked practicing on my own because then I can make my experience what I need. However I am looking into other local classes for the following week.

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